Thursday, April 06, 2006

Green Around The Edges

Gary Dzen has a nice " only" item on Gerald Green.  In short, seems like the rookie is starting to put some of the pieces together.

1 comment:

B said...

It's true that to this un-trained eye Green has taken several steps forward from how he played in the summer league and pre-season last year. His ability to stay with his man and react appropriately on defense are both improved. He has been playing a (limited) role in the Celtics offense sets, moving the ball between other players instead of being banished to the far side of the court to stand and watch the play unfold.

The most visible (to me) flaw he displays right now is his tendency to pause for a beat or two every time he has the ball or otherwise needs to do something. This is classic for a player who is regularly doubting themselves and their understanding of what is expected of them. On a certain level it becomes a problem because it constantly gives the defense more time to adjust and get ready. It's far from terminal, however. Ryan Gomes acted the exact same way for the first few months of the season.