Thursday, February 23, 2006


ESPN is now running a feature in their Pulse section examining trades that readers tried out in the Trade Machine leading up to the NBA trading deadline.  Kevin Garnett was by far the most popular player with more than 56,000 proposed trades.  (The next closest person was Jamal Crawford at 18,000 proposed trades).  This probably has to do with the fact that Garnett is the most desirable player who was thought to be on the block.  Paul Pierce made the list at #7 with 14,000 trades.
Kudos to ESPN.  This is exactly the sort of thing that a major sports entity needed to do -- start thinking more like an website and less like a broadcaster.  Give your readers/members a few basic tools to do some research and have some fun, then go to town on the results.  Now if they'd just put up the exact contract and salary details for every NBA, MLB, and NFL player and team, I'd be really happy.

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