Wednesday, February 08, 2006

SweetDue hits the bigtime (sort of)

So, for the past few days, our blog has been popping up when I Google "SweetDue" here at work.  And we're the #5 hit when you Google "Terry Duerod". Pretty cool, eh?  Get ready for the flood of visitors obsessed with obscure Celtics players.  Oh wait, that would be T.S. and B.
Oddly, these Google searches don't yield the same results when I do them from the computers at my house (at least, as of last night).  Any thoughts as to why this might be?


t.s. said...

Is your home computer in China?

maz said...

RE: SweetDue hits the bigtime

We're beginning to crop up on various blog aggregator websites. Kind of creepy. Do a Google search for yourself and see.