Friday, March 03, 2006

The beat goes on

Howard Beck in the NY Times today frets over the possibility that the current Knicks team will be the "worst ever." By worst ever, he means their final record. They need to win six of their remaining games to avoid the most losses in a season ever by a Knicks team.

But regardless of their final record, is there even a question that this is the Worst Knicks Team Ever? When you have the highest payroll in the league, posess the most untradeable players and contracts, run up one of the worst records, and have traded away your future picks, I'd say that qualifies as the WKTE hands down. Even the Clippers, who set the gold standard for NBA futility in the 80's, 90's and early 2000's, saw good players come through and fielded decent teams from time to time. Sadly, there's not even a flicker of hope in Knickersville any more.


maz said...

By the way, the Times posts this handy graphic detailing the Knicks upcoming games and rating their opponents by degree of difficulty. RM may be upset -- Chicago is rated Pop-a-Shot (easy), but the C's are a notch above at H-O-R-S-E (moderate).

B said...

Seeing how much attention Boston sports fans have paid to the Knicks train wreck the last 12 months I've wondered if we'd be so facinated and pleased with the whole situation if our own team wasn't so bad.

r.m. said...

It's kind of funny that the Bulls are rated as "easier" than the Celtics, considering the Bulls have a higher record :P