Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Like Mike.

Watch this.


B said...

I am routinely awe-struck by how good Nike is at marketing. Their creative advertising people put out more quality work than whole other industries combined. If you added up the positive impact of an entire decade of commercials by American automobile companies you might not match the positive impact of any one of the Nike's top ads. They're just so damn good at what they do.

t.s. said...

What brand of basketball shoes do you own, and when did you get them?

(Actually, I recently bought a pair of Nikes, but after asking for about seven other styles of shoe that the store no longer had in my size.)

B said...

Since I went so far earlier in these comments to bad-mouth the automobile industry about their routinely inept commercials, I feel it only fair to link to this wonderful Honda ad from Great Britain. Apparently there are no computer graphics or digital tricks in the film.
Everything you see happened in real time exactly as you see it, although what you are watching is the ~600th take. And yes, that's Garrison Keillor doing the voiceover.